Monday, July 30, 2007

Ibuprofen, a drink, and a smoke. Where did I put the damn bottles?

gah. Why do I want to be an architect? Why does my head hurt? Why is it my fault?


Kakashi said...

Because you drank too damn much without drinking any water before bed. Forgetting the water will give you more than just a headache. A nice sense of guilt comes with the throbbing in your noggin.

Emily said...

The relationship between you two is really priceless, you know?

Tall man - - take care of yourself, now, mister. I mean that.

tasik said...

oh, it's priceless, all right, guilty or not.

LiLosSoljr said...

hey just wanted to leave my mark and show that I was thinking about you... call me when ever you need someone - i mean it!