I wish the dude at the machine shop would call me back and tell me that he hates Japanese four-cylinder, 16-valve motors and that I should have known better than to bring him the piece of shit to fix. And tell me to take it somewhere else.
As it stands, I'm going to have to draw it out of him. I give him till Wednesday. If he does not call me back on Wednesday, I call him and ask if he can fix it or what, if he doesn't want to fix it, it's all cool JUST LET ME SODDING KNOW! I DON'T HAVE all summer. Well I do, but that's not something I should think about....
what are your travel plans for this summer, tall man? and which bike is in the shop? (i can't tell from the description of the engine)
i just picked up a book on sustainable urban design from the uni library. it'll have to wait until semester break for me to have time to delve into it but that will give me something to look forward to though the month of finals.
"all summer"... Perhaps it is something you shouldn't be thinking about...but I personally can't help thinking how lovely and dreadful that sounds, in the "right" context, I guess.
Hope you're doing well.
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