Sunday, June 29, 2008

LIST OF STUFF I need to get:

(I) Head

(a) cam chain
(b) cam chain tensioner
(c) cam chain guide
(d) cam end cap screws (originals chewed :))
(e) get messed bolt hole helicoiled

(II) Cylinders/Bottom End

(a) piston rings
(b) countershaft seal
(c) oil pump rebuilt

(III) Body/Frame/Electrical

(a) regulator/rectifier
(b) new turn sigs.
(c) new plug wires

....seems there might be something I'm missing....

Sunday, June 22, 2008




pick a shoulder

THIS *******ING ******* ********* ************

******* ***** ******ING******

neutral kickstand switchoff biting tongue wait for oncoming traffic wait PULL SHIRT FLAPPING JACKET

little ******ER ***********

Sunday, June 15, 2008

I did my best to disconnect from my accustomed telemetry mode and look up from the tachometer and straighten up from the road every once in a while.  In between turns I snatched glances into the yawning gulfs in the distance.  I wished I was riding passenger and not having to drive; even smog ridden, the emptinesses framed by twisted granite castles were grand.  Images flooded in, from a half forgotten anime movie...sunbursts of colored rock, towering pyramidal fastnesses.  I arced round cliff after cliff, expecting at any turn to find a steam-powered blimp hanging in midair.

The road elevation signs kept reading higher and higher. 6000, then 7000 feet.  The air was cold, the birds twittered in the silence, the asphalt hummed beneath the tires.

California 2, at least the western part, is basically 45 miles of linked sweepers along the crest of the Angeles Forest mountains above LA (Sierra Madres?)  The pavement is smooth and of high quality, so that where there are no rocks on the road, an expert rider can hold sustained speeds of 75-80 mph.  But there are usually rocks on the road, and few of us motorcyclists are truly expert at lines and brake points, myself included.

So I'm usually to be found puttering along somewhere in the vicinity of speed limit in the far right wheel-track, waving people by one group after the next.  (When nobody is looking though I will find a nice low gear and dive into a curve, grinding a little bit more off my boot toe.  Like that group of green fish I got stuck with in a long curve.  I was uncomfortable letting them pass me in that curve, so applied the lash and dug in tight.  I bet there's a visible bootmark all-ll the way through the apex.  It's amazing how much grip a worn-out, leaking Tourance rear tire can muster)

Even cruising along, I'm struck by how different one's impression of the world is at succeeding 30 degree angles of bank.  One may get a GREAT view of the bottom of the canyon because there one is, hanging over the edge of it.  One becomes very intimate with all the little bits of debris along the side of the road and one wonders to oneself what their stories are - discarded camera batteries, childs' tennis shoes.  Redwood trees smell much different from sagebrush and scrub at the lower altitudes; the air smells very different.  And of course on the other side, the sky side, there is the coldly iridiscent mackerel sky, the Face of the Earth sculpted in granite glowering down upon one.  (That's all the stuff one sees before one slows down some more and begins applying imagination and memories from the aforementioned anime-movies to the scenery....)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

I read stuff and find great quotes that I say to myself: "I have to post that on my blog sometime" and then I forget and don't.

Which is appropriate because no one reads this blog for quotations from books.

Although its content might be more substantial if quotations from books were its content, as opposed to filler posts like this one.

I'm still trying to figure out a good three-week adventure for a vacation this summer.  It has to be road-trip-ish.  It has to go to places far away.  It has to be fun.  It should make me a better human being and educate me on the great truths of the universe.  And so forth.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Only in California.....

....on Highway 126 may one be half asleep in the car, the pop station wailing in the background, when a good friend breaks the silence to announce that the singer is the goddaughter of his father and that this particular song held #1 on for six weeks straight.....

Monday, June 09, 2008

"Heh. Hehehehehehehehehehhhhh."


"You've lost it."

(silence.  I know.)


When will I realize that I'm really not that funny, and that people only smile and laugh because they care about my feelings and they don't want to see the expression on my face that would result from an honest expression of their feelings. Am I the only one out there who holds this opinion? If so, it doesn't matter.  Why? In the end it's irrelevant.  Experience tells me it's more relaxing to be unfunny and ignore the fact.  Kind of like someone trying to imitate a retard, but with no malicious intent.  But the attempt must remain just that, an attempt; for success would turn me into a comedic character (comedians imitate retards successfully).

Sunday, June 01, 2008