Friday, August 31, 2007

*flop* The jacket and gloves go down on the seat, and I carefully balance the helmet on top of them. No, I should put it on the ground. I can't have it falling and getting damaged. I set the helmet on the pavement.

I fumble my phone out of my pocket and speed dial Kakashi.

"Hey, I was just about to call you."

"Yeah, um, where are you?"

"Ahhhhh.... (Terry Pratchett and traffic noise fill the background) ....hhhhh...just south of Santa Barbara."


"Well, I needed a ride to go pick up my bike from the dealership, but they close at six, and you're what, an hour and a half away, so obviously there is no chance you'll be back by then."

"I haven't hit the Santa Barbara traffic yet and I'm on the 101. How was the traffic on your way down?"

"The 118 sucked, as usual. **** I hate the 118. And yes you are going to catch hell once you get south of S-B. Whatever. I'll call the guy and say I'll pick it up tomorrow."

"You'll have to do that cause I ain't gonna be home before seven, buddy."

No, you're not. Dammit. And I have no other options, either! I live out in this mothereffing neck of the woods where I don't know anybody and have no options...How long will it take to, forget that, it's 5:30 already. Forget it. I'm going to go take a shower and sign out for the night. I'll get there when I get there, the dealer will just have to understand that...

(don't get me wrong, I'm quite grateful to have a free bed, but this has got to end)

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