Friday, October 19, 2007

I have that smiling feeling inside that I have whenever I decide that the ancient Suzuki is going to be dragged out from under her cover, injected with a shot of motor oil, pummeled into life, and ridden aimlessly and joyously all over the place until Sunday when she is sent back to bed and PVC-induced peace and quiet. These are the fun times, the times when I can pull out my toy, my hot-rod, the unnecessary and wasteful indulgence I allow myself, and play with it all weekend long. It's like the Saturday morning early, opening the garage door slowly and watching the sunlight creep upward across the low swoop of muscle-car filling the darkness. Pulling off Suzi's cover and revealing the tarnished red of the trapezoidal tank, the hard glint of the four-pipe headers and gatling-gun exhausts, and finally the massive freight-train headlight, always brings a thrill that says "weekend" and "speed"...


Remey said...

Random question: were you ever told to have fun in high school because after you graduate you'll just have to work for the rest of your life?


tasik said...

Actually, I was told to have fun in college, because after that I would accumulate responsibilities, get old, and be no longer capable of having fun anymore.

As it turns out, I have not accumulated any responsibilities, I never was young in the first place, and as far as being capable of having fun...well, by whose definition of fun?

Remey said...

"By whose definition of fun?" I asked that myself. Probably one's own personal definition for one's self. Someone just made a comment about life and I just wondered about it. I was thinking: what if someone never had any or much fun in high school or college?

tasik said...

And according to my personal definition of fun, for myself, I would have to admit that there hasn't been a whole lot of it and the days when there has have been few and far between, and usually sparked by the ideas and actions of good friends...I'm just not very self-sufficient on this particular element of life...