Existentialism and by a more remote coin, phenomenology, end in despair. It is a sad picture to see, man gazing at himself, shielding himself from the reality that is a damaged and dysfunctional being, searching for hope through himself and finding none for there is none to be found. For man to seek himself as an object is to contradict the very philosophy he espouses, and for man to seek himself as a subject is nonsense. Hence existentialism as such can have no end, and without an end it remains an abortion of thought. The imitation of existentialist thought by artists such as Roy Lichtenstein, Jasper Johns, Sam Francis and such expresses this visually.
For this reason the new springtime heralded by the new philosophy of The Person also must end in despair, shortly to be followed by the new theology of the Person. The roots of this new theology are to be found in phenomenology, whatever heritage the blossoms may claim.
it's coming, there's a couple of bits and pieces that fit together...
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