Saturday, September 13, 2008

I wonder whether doing the motorcycling club-style is really the thing.  It's a social undertaking in which one must worry about the one in front of you and the one behind you and bisecting the distance so one looks Respectable and Professional in the eyes of the unseeing world; but it really is so much better when the wheels stop turning, the bike is motionless, and one does not have to gulp apple juice amidst a roaring silence.  One has someone to talk to, perhaps share an experience with, and that's pretty fun.

And lunches are so much better with other motorcyclists than they are by oneself.  One is not off at the corner table under the palm tree with one's cigarette and coffee cup with a 10' radius carefully kept by all passersby lest they be knifed in the back.  One is not looked at askance by normal people as a freebooter from the outer planets and a threat to society.  One is simply having fun with one's friends.  Of course, the 10' radius is still kept by strangers, but it's less....embarrassing....somehow.....

And that is nice.

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