Saturday, October 18, 2008

Faith is said to evolve

but evolution may be of two kinds for the motion of logic is either circular or linear

the first is an infinite progress which is a travel from lesser to greater along an infinite line, which is a reductio ad absurdum since the only infinite motion possible is on a circle, and motion on a circle may hardly be considered progress.  Motion on a continuously created infinite line is also reductio ad absurdum, for it would be coincident with the progress of evolution, thus denying the existence of the line.  This first sort does not resolve, then, to the principle of non-contradiction. (the principle of non-contradiction: that the same being may not both exist and not exist in the same manner, at the same time and in the same respect)

the second is a travel from lesser to greater along a line having an end, which progress presupposes an end which may be reached, thus culminating the evolution at its highest possible degree.  Only this second sort resolves to the principle of non-contradiction and is that which in orthodox thought is called "expression" of faith rather than faith itself.

If faith is a simple being it may not evolve

If faith is a complex being or an attribute it may evolve

rejection of simple faith -> acceptance of evolution of faith -> acceptance of subjectivity of faith (for all evolution exists within the subject) -> crushing of individual subjective expression of faith and acceptance of consensus -> theological slavery to any blind fascist

all this, to escape the theological slavery of objective truth?  And now, more miserable than we were before, we must tread the path of blood and tears, back the way we came, back to find faith where we left it two hundred years ago before Descartes....

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